Water bars are a cheap and easy way to protect your trails from erosion. These dirt berms deflect the water your trails collect into undisturbed forest soil where it can percolate into the ground. Water bars prevent water from collecting in large volumes as it travels along your trails. They also prevent this large volume of water from picking up speed as it travels down hill. Volume + velocity = the potential for erosion. Large volumes of water traveling at high speeds can do irreparable damage to your trails before you even know you have a problem. You can make water bars with a pick and shovel or you can make sure your logger installs them with a bulldozer after a harvest. Water bars work equally well to protect your hiking,
ATV, horseback riding or logging trails. Whichever trail you're protecting make sure to clean them out every year so they continue to deflect water.
ATV, horseback riding or logging trails. Whichever trail you're protecting make sure to clean them out every year so they continue to deflect water.
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