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  Tuesday, 18 April 2017
  3 Replies
  1.4K Visits
Wondering if anybody could recommend a good company to treat my Silver Linden tree for Japanese Beetle and Caterpillar attacks?
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6 years ago
Japanese beetles do a serious damage to our landscape. Some ways you may try out are:

- Attract bird to your garden as they will feed on these beetles.

- Plant garlic as they deter Japanese beetles from being around.

- Put bright colored containers filled with water with a few drops of dish soap added. Beetles will get attracted to this and will get stuck in the solution.

Work out on these techniques before it becomes a serious threat. If you think the situation is out of your control, the best option is to go for NJ pest control services as they have enough ideas to deal with the situation safely.
7 years ago
No signs yet this year as its leaves are just budding out now. I'm want to spray this year in the hopes of preventing a repeat from last year where the tree was badly damaged.
I can tell you it was Japanese beetles for sure because last year the tree was completely covered in them in late June / early July and the leaves were badly skeletonized thereafter. They very much enjoy eating Linden as I can testify.
7 years ago
What signs of damage have you seen on your tree? Silver lindens can be susceptible to damage from a number of pests including aphids, scales, mites, and others. Silver linden has been reported as showing some resistance to Japanese beetles because of the hairs (knows as pubescence) on the underside of the leaves, but that doesn't mean its immune.

Long story short, there may be different treatments depending on the pests you are dealing with.

While I cannot make a specific recommendation, I would definitely check out this database of arborists from the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) as a start. You can search by zip code and distance.
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