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  Monday, 20 July 2015
  1 Replies
  1.2K Visits
I had two trees taken down on my property in the last two years. One was a white pine and the other a Norway maple; both were posing hazards to my house. The arborist left two stumps about three feet high, and my question is how long will it take (approximately) for these stumps to fully rot and whether its even a good idea to leave the stumps intact while they rot (will this spread disease or attract pests?). When I first had the trees taken down, I was going to make the stumps into "tables" by placing a 3'x3' slab of bluestone on each one, but on second thought I want both stumps gone without having to spend any more money. I don't own a chainsaw - should I get out my ax and start swinging?
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9 years ago
Based on the types of trees I would expect the white pine (softwood) stump to rot faster than the norway maple (hardwood) stump just based on the density of the wood. But fast is relative. I've evaluated 5 year old timber harvests by measuring stumps and I can say from experience that they were still going strong at year five. In most cases the bark was still on both the softwood and hardwood stumps will minimal signs of fungi and bugs decomposing them. Since these are yard trees you may need to pay to have the arborist come back and grind the stumps. Otherwise this would be a massive DIY project.
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