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Catskill Forest Association and NY Forest Owners Association

Catskill Forest Association and NY Forest Owners Association

This deer exclosure is an excellent demonstration of how much pressure deer can exert on a forest.

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Cemetery Road
Margaretville, NY 12455

This deer exclosure is an excellent demonstration of how much pressure deer can exert on a forest. To ensure good regeneration, this site was thinned before the fence was erected. The areas around the exclosure were also thinned to act as a control for regeneration levels. Despite receiving the same amount of sunlight, the enclosed area has much more vegetated growth than the areas outside of the exclosure. This fence is located on private property in Margaretville, NY and viewing is available by appointment only. To request a visit contact The Catskill Forest Association at (845) 856-3054 and one of their specialists will give you a tour of the fence and answer any questions you may have.