Why I love trees?
Trees help clean the air we breathe, filter the water we drink, and provide habitat to over 80% of the world's terrestrial biodiversity. They also provide jobs to over 1.6 billion people, absorb harmful carbon from the atmosphere, and are key ingredients in 25% of all medicines.
Trees Are a Viable Climate Solution
Air - Trees are like the vacuums of our planet. Through their leaves and bark, they absorb harmful pollutants and release clean oxygen for us to breathe.
Water - Trees play a key role in capturing rainwater and reducing the risk of natural disasters like floods and landslides.
Biodiversity - A single tree can be home to hundreds of species of insect, fungi, moss, mammals, and plants
Planting trees can help save the planet
Social Impact - From arborists to loggers and researchers, the job opportunities provided by the forestry industry are endless.
Health - Did you know that hospital patients with rooms overlooking trees recover faster than those without the same view?
Climate - Trees help cool the planet by sucking in and storing harmful greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide into their trunks, branches, and leaves — and releasing oxygen back into the atmosphere.
Today I did something good, not only for myself but also for nature and I can't wait to share it with you!
I spent a lot of time looking for a platform through which I can easily help Mother Nature.
I found these great young boys and girls who have developed an online store with a cause - They Plant Trees Where They're Needed Most, As Part Of The One Tree Planted Project.
I had the pleasure of talking with them. I asked them, why are you doing this?
Аnd they answered me:
"In these difficult times of environmental problems and pandemics. We have created an easy and safe way to plant a tree where it is most needed. From your home, through your phone, wherever you have internet."
After talking for a while, I realized that these people wholeheartedly want to help Mother Nature because she needs us.
I immediately liked a few products. And at this moment I wear my comfy t-shirts from Nature Clothing - Official Shop with great pleasure. And the fact that I just planted a tree with a few clicks makes me feel even better than ever. I feel great. Do something good like me, today, now.