Wednesday, 30 March 2016
  4 Replies
  0.9K Visits
New members - use this Topic to introduce yourself. Get to know one another and share your interests :)
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8 years ago
Hello! My name is Sharon. My husband and I have 66 acres on Dunk Hill in Walton. Since joining NYFOA 3 years ago, we have learned quite a bit about what we have been doing wrong all these years. We are hoping to become better stewards of the land. Our goals are forest regeneration, better bird habitat and invasive plant management. We enjoy camping and just being in the woods. We are also MFO's, and encourage anyone interested in that program to pursue it.
8 years ago
Welcome aboard, Sharon! We're excited to have you here. We're still in the process of putting together a section on MyWoodlot on invasive plants (we're hoping to release it sometime this summer). In the meantime, reading your interests, here are a couple activities you might find helpful:

Attract Songbirds - This activity includes links to information on both improving bird habitat in your yard and in your woods.

Assess Deer Impact - When it comes to regeneration, deer are a major driver of success or failure. This activity can help you assess your land's deer numbers and how successful your regeneration efforts are likely to be.

If you ever have any questions, experiences, or insights you'd like to share, please feel free to post to the forum at any time. Once again, welcome to MyWoodlot!
8 years ago
Hi, my name is Eric Kim. I am 27 years old. You already know that I am a new member of this community. I always like outdoor camping. Tree plantation is my hobby. I am interested in joining with some of the upcoming events.
8 years ago
Hello Eric, and welcome to MyWoodlot.

Based on your hobby I'd suggest you check out the following pages for some helpful tips:

How to Plant a Tree
Prune My Trees

Be sure to check our Events page regularly as we are adding events weekly and please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
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