Harvesting timber is a big decision. It will benefit both you and your land for you to take your time and make an informed decision when choosing to harvest.
Harvesting timber is complicated. The value of trees constantly changes, reacting to the preferences of consumers. One year the pale white wood of maple decorates homes and offices. The next year, consumers can’t get enough of cherry’s savory red hues.
Given these changes, it’s not surprising that woodlot owners often lose track of what their trees are worth on the open market. On a day-to-day basis that might not be a big deal, but when it comes to deciding if and when to harvest, knowing what your trees are worth can make the difference between getting a good deal and getting ripped off.
There are things you can do when you harvest trees to make sure you get a fair shake. Hiring a consulting forester and protecting yourself with a timber sale contract are two ways. Also look for trained, certified loggers. Here in New York where we are, look for loggers who are “TLC” – Trained Logger Certified (different states have different programs, but most have some form of logger training certification). Certified loggers go the extra mile by learning more about safety and the environment, so they’re more likely to be a higher quality professional.
Now I know you have a lot going on. Maybe you’re a farmer who’s too busy with the cows to worry about your woods. Maybe you live in a city and can only get out to your land now and then. But harvesting timber is a big decision. It will benefit both you and your land for you to take your time and make an informed decision when choosing to harvest.